Opening the Doors to Healthier and Stress-Free Living
A Column by Alice Abbott-Moore,
Technical Services, Ekstrom Library

Keeping the Romance Alive:
Maintaining Your Interest in Health Foods and Exercise

You have been doing so well watching what you are eating and exercising several times a week for quite some time. You feel and look great. But somehow when you pull out that lunch and when you get to the gym or that track or that pool you experience a huge feeling of, "Not again...but I've got to keep doing this...because..."If you feel this way toward your food and exercise program, it could be due to the fact that the romance is gone. In other words, you are bored. If you feel this way, please remember that you are not alone.

Many people experience this boredom. I know I have felt this way and I probably will again unless I take some appropriate action. After three and a half years of my nutrition/exercise regimen, I get bored at times. When I opted to lose weight, I had such a goal to achieve. Every week I measured my progress toward that goal by the numbers I saw on measuring tapes, clothing sizes, and scales, as well as by how good I felt and looked. I could also measure the improvement in physical stamina by how much more time and distance I could achieve and endure. Then when I obtained my goal weight and size my challenge became maintaining my weight. For a year or so that goal challenged me. But as time goes on I find myself occasionally in those lulls of boredom and I need to take action.

The following ideas have helped me:

  1. EMPHASIZE VARIETY: Eat a wide range of healthy items--don't get bogged down eating the same old things. Alternate between forms of exercise. Interestingly enough, the body needs both variety of food and types of exercise for best results.
  2. TRY NEW THINGS: Both food and exercise programs can be made exciting by trying new foods and new activities. If you don't know how to prepare new dishes and/or know how to do a new activity, do some research and ask around for suggestions. There are lots of classes, groups and individuals out there from which to gain knowledge.
  3. GATHER WITH OTHERS: Eat and exercise with family and friends if you can. This makes the time spent far more enjoyable. Exercising with others helps encourage endurance and regularity.
  4. SET NEW GOALS: Try exercising for a new purpose. Perhaps sign up for a race or a walk-a-thon to give you incentive.
  5. FIND YOUR PASSION: Try to experiment by cooking new foods and participating in new activities. Chances are if you love doing something you will keep doing it.

If you have any ideas for future "LifeStyle" article topics please send your suggestions to me at either 852-8719 or by email. Thanks so much!