General News
UofL Library Personnel Contribute to the Success of KLA Conference
The 1998 Kentucky Library Association Conference is history and all indications are that is was a great success! This success is due in large part to the efforts and involvement of our library personnel - that is, you.

As President-Elect of KLA, it was my responsibility to plan the 1998 conference. The Conference Planning Committee arranged the full sessions and special events. Mini-sessions presented by KLA members constituted a large part of the programming. Many UofL library employees participated as full session and mini-session speakers, and in a variety of other ways. I’d like to take this opportunity both to recognize them and thank them.

Hannelore Rader participated as moderator of a Brown Bag Lunch discussion and as a session moderator on Wednesday afternoon. Lois Severt did a great job of introducing the speakers at the KLA Awards Luncheon on Thursday, speakers she was instrumental in getting for us. Barbara Whitener was a pre-conference workshop presenter and Rae Helton presented a full session on information literacy. A mini-session on distance education was presented by Mark Paul from Kersey Library and Dr. Holly Crawford from the IU School of Library and Information Science. Alice Abbott-Moore, Shaun Daniels, Deborah Hawley, and Rebecca Maddox shared their experience with student assistant training in a mini-session. And David Ensign presented a mini-session on copyright not once, but twice during the conference.

The UofL Libraries involvement was not limited to the presentation of sessions. I also found willing UofL librarians to take on special tasks. Lois Severt and Alan Ashman undertook the all-important task of recruiting, scheduling and supervising the registration desk, and they both spent many hours working the desk. Others from UofL who worked registration are: Tyler Goldberg, Neal Nixon, Glenda Neely, Nancy Utterback, Marcia Kotlinski, Alice Abbott-Moore, Margo Smith, Amy Purcell, Mildred Franks, Pat Meyer, Linda Clark, and Michel Atlas.

The reception at the Louisville Slugger Museum was a hit! The food was fabulous and the entertainment delightful. Full credit, and my thanks, for this successful event goes to Tyler Goldberg and Neal Nixon. Kersey staff members Pat Waters and student assistant Ming Ni also deserve a lot of thanks for pitching in to photocopy and collate everything from conference planning information for the planning committee, to the local restaurant guide and the KLA Awards Luncheon program. And thanks to Steve Whiteside who, with assistance from Mark Paul, created a unique award certificate for the KLA web master.

UofL will continue to be involved with KLA during my term as President. Diane Nichols has been elected secretary of the Library Administration and Management Roundtable. The new chair of the Library Support Staff Roundtable is Alice Abbott-Moore. Melissa Laning, who served as co-chair and facilitator for the Support Staff RT will continue to serve in this capacity.

And last, but in no way least, congratulations are in order for Teresa Bowden who has been awarded the Professional Development Grant from the Academic Libraries Section of KLA.

I know there are others of whom I am not aware, who have served KLA during 1998/98 as section or roundtable officers and committee members. To all of you - thanks for your involvement and support of our state association. To those interested in getting involved, you now have a list of contacts – make use of it! I hope to see increased involvement of University of Louisville library faculty and staff in all aspects of KLA during the next year.

My sincere thanks to those who served in 1997/98 and will be serving in 1998/99. I look forward to working with you again during my term as the KLA President.

by Carol S. Brinkman
Director, Kersey Library

Ekstrom Library
Distance Learning Library Services
The University Libraries extends its services not only to students on campus but also to students enrolled in distance education programs in the School of Education and Kent School of Social Work, to students in UofL’s off-campus programs at Fort Knox and to students in UofL’s international programs in San Salvador, Panama and Athens, Greece.

The Current Programs are:

  1. Athens, Greece (Masters in Business Administration)
  2. Athens, Greece (M.Ed. Sport Administration)
  3. Department of Special Education (EDSP) --- our largest with students throughout the U.S. and Canada
  4. Fort Knox (Arts & Sciences, Engineering, and Education courses)
  5. Kent School of Social Work Master's Program at Brescia College
  6. Kent School of Social Work Master's Program at Murray State University
  7. Kent School of Social Work Joint UK/UofL Ph.D. Program
  8. M.Ed. Program in Occupational Training and Development in Panama
  9. M.Ed. Program in Occupational Training and Development in San Salvador

Library personnel collaborate with the Provost’s office, distance education program coordinators, distance education committees and instructional faculty to formalize distance education policies and include provision for library services in distance education planning. The professor and librarian collaborate in the selection of the most appropriate electronic library resources for the academic discipline with emphasis on electronic access to the full text of material online when possible. One full semester of advance notice is required for planning library support for a new course offered via distance education. A more complete description of UofL’s Distance Learning Library Services (DLLS) program has recently been published in: Libraries Without Walls 2: The Delivery of Library Services to Distant Users. London: Library Association Publishing, 1998, pp. 14-32.

Guidelines for Library Support for Distance Education Programs are posted on the DLLS web page

(Note: The “Resources” section of the web site is restricted in accordance with database licenses.)

Pink Christmas
Robb Allen and Joey Watkins will be performing to their favorite female artists on November 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Red Barn at UofL (admission is $3.00). "Pink Christmas," which is being sponsored by Common Ground and the Student Activities Board, will feature various amateur and professional drag queens in an evening full of Holiday cheer. Hurricane Summers, a professional drag queen famous around the country, will be the Mistress of Ceremonies. If you plan to attend, you might want to arrive early as the Pink'98 show in April nearly sold out. For more information about Pink Christmas and video clips from the Pink '98 show in April, go to

Media and Current Periodicals

There are now four PC's that have the following available to patrons:

WordPerfect versions 6 & 7
Word for Windows 95
Laser printer which prints only in toner saver mode. High quality prints not available.
Access to: Athena, Homer, Profs/Minerva, Starbase
There is no access to Netscape/Minerva 2000 from these machines.

Two more stations will be up shortly. Many thanks to Michael Purcell.

Office of the University Librarian
New CopyIt Center
The new CopyIt Center in the library has been offering limited services for the past few weeks. Michael Chandler, the day staff person is being trained and getting familiar with the equipment. He is still waiting for one other piece of equipment to be installed. Two students (James and Jamie) have been hired by IT to work nights and weekends.

A "grand opening" of the Center was held on October 30, 1998.

The CopyIt Center hours of operation are: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (If the CopyIt Center is successful in generating sufficient income, the hours will increase.) Their phone number is 852-2946.

The current services are:
B&W copying from books and periodicals
B&W laser printing
Copy reduction and enlargement
Sale of diskettes
Sale of report covers and binders
Change for library patrons
Color laser printing
Fax Service
Refunds for money lost in vend copiers

Future services will include:
Scanning service
Laminating 8 ½ x 11 to 11 x 17
Sale of VendCards (for use in coin operated copiers)

STEVEN HUFF has left his position in Stacks Maintenance.

Teleconferences Planned
Please mark your calendars for a series of "Soaring to Excellence" telecasts sponsored by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. These are produced by the College of DuPage and are scheduled to be shown in the CLC.

November 20, 12:00-1:45pm
"Techno-Lust, Techno-Stress and Techno-Babble"

January 8, 12:00-1:45pm
"Tools of Our Trade III: Books, The Internet, and Beyond"

March 12, 12:00-1:45pm
"Disaster Planning"

Student Assistant Training Team
On October 23, three members of the student assistant training team (Rebecca Maddox, Alice Abbott-Moore, and Debbie Hawley) made their professional debut at the KLA conference. They gave a PowerPoint mini-session on their experiences so far with planning, presenting, and refining the student assistant training sessions. All supervisors of student assistants will be invited and encouraged to attend one of the sessions during the next round of training in January to help galvanize the message we are trying to send to our students.

Health Insurance Decision for 1999
Don't forget that the open enrollment period for submitting your selections for health care benefits, dental insurance, and flexible spending accounts for 1999 ends at 5:00pm on Friday, November 13th. Since the procedures are substantially different from prior years, please don't wait until the last minute to review your packet of materials.

Reference Department
Glenda Neely chaired the Information & Technology Round Table program at the Southeastern Library Association Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas, on October 2. The speaker, Dr. Carol Tenopir, is a columnist for Library Journal, Professor of Information Science at UT-Knoxville, and a nationally-known consultant and researcher. Her topic was, "Plagued by our Own Successes." The SELA Round Table teamed up with the Arkansas Information Technology Round Table to offer tabletop discussions following Dr. Tenopir's presentation.

Teresa Bowden received a Professional Development Grant from the Academic Library Section of the Kentucky Library Association for her research to discover what new trends have developed among prison libraries in regards to technology. She will be working on this project for the next year, and the results will be shared via a presentation at a Section meeting or publication in Kentucky Libraries. Congratulations, Teresa and good luck!

Special Collections
Horsing Around
Bill took his Belgian mares, Dolly and Dory, to the Konkle farm in Greenville, Indiana to show Floyd County fourth graders a little bit of what farming was like 100 years ago as part of the Farm Week program. Everybody had a great time on Tuesday, October 5, but Wednesday's program was rained out. Bill and his girls didn't learn of the cancellation until they had trailered thirty miles to the Konkle farm. Dolly and Dory were ready to come on in to UofL and graze in the quadrangle but Bill's neighbor, Jim Gunther, who came along to help with the team, needed to get home to his farm. Sharp-eyed viewers may have caught a glimpse of Bill and the girls on the Monday evening news. Bill was at the Lanesville Heritage Weekend with the Southern Indiana Draft Horse and Mule Association during the second weekend in September. Amy Purcell and her son, Lewis, were among the celebrities taking a turn with the plow on Saturday.

Horsing Around on the Web
Bill had a short essay on Horse Progress Days published in Rural Heritage in the print and virtual editions. To check it out, go to: and scroll down to Guest Editorial.

Go West, Young (?) Librarian
Bill found time to unhitch the team and curate The Idea of the West: Photography from Louisville Collections which opened recently at the Speed Art Museum. The exhibit is hung in the area outside the auditorium and will continue through March 23, 1999.

Shattered Subjects Lecture
There will be a lecture by Suzette Henke, author of Shattered Subjects, Tuesday, November 10 at 4 p.m. in the Ekstrom Auditorium. A reception will follow. A photo exhibit of work by Barbara Crawford will accompany the lecture and continue for the next several days. (One of Barbara’s photos was used for Shattered Subjects’ book cover.)

George McWhorter is now translated into Czechoslovakian. He has written a preface to Tarzan, ztracenè dobrodruzs (a translation of Tarzan The Lost Adventure.)

Kornhauser Library
Gary Freiburger attended the grand opening of the new Health Sciences Library in Baltimore. Michel Atlas spoke on using the internet at a conference in Russia on environmental pollution and allergies. Neal Nixon and Diane Nichols presented “The Health Sciences Library as a Manager of Hospital Libraries: Issues and Opportunities” at the Midwest Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Meeting in Lexington. Gary, Nancy, Neal, Judy, Jane, Catherine and Karen also attended various conference activities.

Law Library
Michael ben-Avraham was one of the honorees at the 1998 Staff Recognition Luncheon on Friday, October 23. Michael celebrated his tenth anniversary with the University. Michael began his career at Ekstrom Library in the KULS office working with a serial list KULS produced for the National Library of Medicine. When the NLM canceled the contract in 1990, Michael transferred to the Law Library where he has been tending the Government Depository collection ever since.

An Artist in Our Midst
Law Library artist (and evening Circulation Manager) Julia Nuss has created wonderful artwork for the library for seven years. Julia’s creations include mobiles, posters, and bulletin board collages. Julia’s talents brighten our workplace and make our patrons feel welcome. Click here for photos of some of Julia’s creations.

David Ensign presented a copyright program on October 23 at the KLA Conference.

The Law Library welcomes new student workers Evaristo Martinez, Yahima Hernandez, Brian Curtis and Tony Buchanan. (Some Owl readers may recognize Tony. He worked in Reference at Ekstrom for several years.)

The Louisville Mandolin Orchestra performed several times recently: September 5 at the Clifton Neighborhood Festival; September 19 at the Ursuline Art Fair; October 3 at the Kentucky Family Folk Fest; and October 10 at the Belknap Neighborhood Festival. The LMO traveled to Pikeville on October 16 for an appearance in the Pikeville concert series. This is the busiest fall season ever for the LMO which is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 1998. If you want more information on the LMO, call Robin at the Law Library at 852-6083. Be sure to check out the story on the LMO in the November issue of Louisville Magazine.

Music Library
Music Library's circulation staff applaud the outstanding efforts of student workers at the new First Floor Public Desk, which is the incorporation of the Circulation Desk and the Listening Area. These assistants have not only had to adapt to Voyager, but they've also had to cope with major changes in the physical work space.

Day workers are Josh Nally, Josh Claytor, Roderick Tooson, David Ballena, Jamie Daniels, Laura Inman Coombs, Joy Leitner, Jonathan Miller, Jason Cissell, Vince Callahan and shelver Julia Bates.

Evening/weekend workers are Kristanne Harden, Felix Cooper, Sarah Florini, Kathy Barr, Aneta Mitera, Brian Davis and Killian Kubala.

Meredith Dooley has joined the band Kathleen's Dream. The band, now consisting of Meredith and songwriter Kathleen Hoye, has recently appeared numerous times at Twice Told coffeehouse and Molly Malone's, an Irish pub. They played at the Harvest Showcase, a benefit for local food banks, and opened for Leon Russell at Coyote's. Kathleen plays guitar and sings, while Meredith plays viola in this acoustic duo. Check LEO for coming performances.

University Archives and Records Center
Mary Margaret Bell and Tracy K'Meyer of the Department of History gave presentations on oral history as part of a panel at the conference of the American Journalism Historians Association here in Louisville October 22. Mary Margaret and Tracy are co-directors of UofL's Oral History Center.

Assessment Team
As you may have discovered, UMI has stopped supplying the full text for the Chicago Tribune in ProQuest Direct. This is unfortunate, since it was one of the titles we decided to cancel in microfilm and the paper indexes. This is the kind of thing that we knew would happen, and will happen again with increased electronic access.

Fortunately, with the Tribune, we can offer the following patch:

  1. ProQuest still has the indexing and abstracting for the Chicago Tribune.
  2. Lexis-Nexis has the full text of the Tribune although you have to be creative to get to it. (Select General News Topics, Major Newspapers and type "Chicago Tribune" in the additional term field of the search screen.)

Contact David Horvath ( or 852-7589) if you have any questions.

Information Delivery Team
This summer, the Information Delivery Team conducted a survey of University Libraries training needs. Many of you helped us by completing the survey--thank you! The results, as well as the survey itself and our recommendations/action plan, are now posted on the Libraries IntrAnet. If you go to the following address: you'll be at the University Libraries' IntrAnet page. If you click either on Teams/Information Delivery or Shared Documents, you'll find links to the Training Needs Survey. Eric Neagle is responsible for both the Web page and the nice pie charts, so we owe him a big thank you!

The recommendations and action plan have been submitted to the team leaders, and a training session for MS Access has already been held with more to come. We encourage everyone to take advantage of training the Libraries already offer, such as Jumpstarts & Shortcourses through Information Literacy. A list of these is available at

Again thanks to Eric Neagle and the other members of the Training Needs Working Group: Andy Anderson, Mary Margaret Bell, Mark Dickson, and Rebecca Maddox for all their hard work!