Art of the Yard Sale

Opening the Doors to Healthier and Stress-Free Living

A Column by Alice Abbott-Moore,
Content Access/Information Delivery Teams, Ekstrom Library

Do you have items that you haven't used in quite some time? For some reason you don't use them anymore—perhaps they do not fit, do not match, may be broken, may be out of style or may not fit your current lifestyle.

Are you thinking of moving to a bigger space because you seem to be so over crowded at home? Does getting something out of the cupboard seem to be a hassle because you have to take out so many other things to get to the thing you need? Were you ever given items that you don't want? Are there bad memories associated with certain items? Finally, could you use some ready cash?

There is a solution. Have a yard sale!

Yard sales can rid your life of unwanted, space-taking, energy-sucking stuff while generating space and money. Yard sales can be fun and can serve as studies of human nature. These sales tend to bring out the thriftiness in people. Yard sales are very social since there are many different kinds of people who attend looking for bargains.

Here are some yard sale tips:

When the customers start to arrive, be ready for them. They will come in droves. Most likely, transactions will be steady until mid- to late morning.

After the sale, the fun part begins—hauling the stuff away. What you should do with it? You may want to put it in your car and donate it right then to Goodwill or to another charity. If you do that, you can get a receipt for tax purposes. Or you may have some folks in mind who could use the items.

After cleaning up, divvy up the money to see who gets how much. Most likely you will have made a profit after paying for your ad in the newspaper.

Then enjoy your cash and your additional space. Chances are you may not have to move to a bigger space after all!