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Ekstrom Library Reference The Reference Department would like to welcome our new students L.J. Watson and Rebecca Voegele. L.J. is an incoming freshman, and Rebecca is a graduate student in Justice Administration. We are happy to have them both join our team. Terri Holtze had a great time visiting family at her cousin's wedding in Black River Falls, Wisconsin over the October 4 weekend. The foliage was fall, but the temperature was definitely summer. You might even catch part of the wedding on TV sometime, because the BBC filmed the end of it for a documentary. Anna Marie Johnson and Phil Sager presented "So Many Students, Not Enough Time" at the Kentucky School Media Association and Kentucky Library Association Joint Conference on October 30. The focus of this presentation was the Minerva tutorial created by them on Authorware. There was much interest and many positive comments.
Special Collections Until she was ten, my sister thought the long white clouds she saw rising in the sky were the souls going to heaven she had heard about in Sunday School (although she didn't admit it until she was much older). She never asked anyone what the clouds were because she KNEW what they were - she saw, but she didn't make the leap to asking, "Is that true?" Recently that same sister was asked to moderate an Internet forum on mental illness. When asked whether her degree was in psychology or social work, she replied, to everyone's surprise, that she had a G.E.D., asked a lot of questions, and had worked with the mentally ill. The Turing Test is the classic model for testing artificial intelligence. A human sits at a keyboard and has a conversation with an unknown party. If the human can't tell if the answering party is a human or a machine, then the machine is intelligent. And if you can't tell the difference, then isn't the machine also human? The Internet may be our Turing Test. There is no way to know if the party on the other end of the conversation is advantaged, degreed, old or young, male or female. There is only the content of their speech to judge by. If you can't tell if someone has a degree, does the degree matter? But to judge if the concept is true, you must know how to evaluate each new concept, to weigh it against what you've known before and what you can validate, to think for yourself and be responsible for your own continuing education, to search for truths that change how you look at your world without prejudice for or against the source. Your mother was right again. It's the thought that counts.
* Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727) Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. London: Streater, 1687. [1st ed.] Presentation copy to Lord Halifax with Newton's emendations on the errata leaf in his own hand. (The fundamental work on dynamics and gravitation.)
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Kersey Library
November Birthdays
Kornhauser Library Congratulations to Nancy Utterback on the award of a $2000 Technology Awareness grant from the National Network of the National Library of Medicine (NN/NLM) Greater Midwest Region. The funds will be used to support the 1998 Health Sciences Center Expo '98 co-sponsored by the Kornhauser Library, University Libraries and IT. Leah Gadzikowski's daughter Jessica, a 16-year-old sophomore at Atherton High School, was sworn in as an Officer of Teen Court on October 7. This is a program of Jefferson County government for first-time teen offenders charged with misdemeanors. So far Jessica has acted as court clerk, jury member, and attorney in this legally binding courtroom activity.
Law Library The Oratorio Chorus is the concert choir of Southern Seminary. It is currently about 120-voices strong with about 2/3 of those voices coming from the community-at-large, and 1/3 from the Seminary community, and is under the direction of Dr. John Dickson. David Minton (Technical Services) has joined this chorus, singing in the bass section. At this writing, there is one final "dress" rehearsal with the Seminary Orchestra (which also has players from the community-at-large) before the October 26 concert. By the time this reaches your mailbox, the fall concert will have been a rousing success (!), featuring the Seminary Orchestra performing Aaron Copland's "Appalachian Spring," under the direction of Dr. Lloyd Mims, Dean of the School of Church Music at Southern Seminary. Following that, the chorus and orchestra, under Dr. John Dickson, performed Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Serenade to Music" and J.S. Bach's great "Magnificat in D." This large organization has presented large-scale choral and orchestral works, all in the truest "community" spirit. The chorus and soloists are all volunteers, and the orchestra is all volunteer, with only the occasional guest players being paid. Chorus singers purchase their own scores from the Seminary bookstore and pay semesterly dues to defray the cost of printing posters and fliers. The chorus needs still more voices, ESPECIALLY MEN'S VOICES. There is no audition for the chorus, but it certainly helps if you read music at least a little bit. There is little time to hammer out individual notes in rehearsal, so "homework" is the rule. One nice thing is that Dr. Dickson almost always recommends a CD recording of the work(s) being prepared, so one can listen to the music and follow the score. This helps immensely...plus you get a great CD to add to your collection! The soloists are drawn from the chorus, with auditions being held for those parts. Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 7:00 till 9:15 at the Seminary. If you are interested in joining this growing choral group, simply call Dr. John Dickson at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Mandolin Magic! For more information on the CMSA Convention, click on http://www.iglou.com/dba/LMO/cmsa97.html. You may also call Robin Harris at the Law Library (6083) for more mando info!
University Archives and Records Center Kathie Johnson feels like a real jet-setter. (Look out, Michel Atlas!) In one month's time (September 11-October 12), she traveled to Orlando and Daytona Beach, Florida, as well as to Charleston, South Carolina and Dallas, Texas. The Florida trip was a surprise visit to husband Ron's parents, who spend a month there every year. The Charleston trip was a visit with daughter Cassidy to the College of Charleston. The Dallas trip was to attend a niece's wedding. (This was a real family affair: Ron sang, brother Steve officiated, brother Randy played guitar, and niece Linda was Matron of Honor.) Margaret Merrick went with her husband Robbie on a motorcycle trip to the Smoky Mountains. The weather was beautiful and the fall colors were beginning to show. Highlights of the trip included a ride on Deal's Gap (reputed to have 318 curves in eleven miles!), the Cherohola Parkway, and a two-day ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Mary Margaret Bell visited England, Scotland, Wales, and Paris in September, arriving one week after the funeral of the Princess of Wales. She reported still seeing large amounts of flowers and other remembrances. Trip highlights included visits to many churches and other landmarks and a cruise on the Seine. |