
This is my pet and pal Sigmund. He is quite active and loves to hang around and observe the behavior of other garden variety pets. Siggy is an avid writer. He has published Toto and Taboo, which is a tome comparing the psychological make-up of dogs, cats and rodents. Siggy is also a founding member of MLS: The Monkey Liberation Socialist Party, dedicated to the freeing of all monkeys incarcerated in primitive primate conditions in the U.S. Siggy was seeking a candidacy in the last presidential election, but decided there were already enough apes running. His favorite rock group is Bananarama. He also likes jazz and listens to Thelonious Monkee. You might run into him in the library because he likes to read, surf the Internet, and hang with all those nice trees around. So if you see him, say "hey" and treat him to some coffee at Ritazza with a shot of banana flavoring!