May, 1998
A Brief History of the
University of Louisville Libraries, 1837-1996

Part 1 of 2
by Ralze Dorr
Former University Librarian, Interim
From the desk of the University Librarian
Column by Hannelore Rader
Library and Department News
News from our Libraries and Departments
Other News
Team Activities, Library Book Sale, Plant Exchange
Column by Andy Anderson
Free and Easy
Column by Alice Abbott-Moore
Saving One's Skin
University Libraries Exhibits
Thank You
Thanks to our news collectors and contributors
The Owl is published monthly (except January and August) by the University of Louisville Libraries, Louisville, KY 40292.
Co-Editors: Robin Harris (852-6083) and Amy Purcell (852-1861)
Editorial Board: Teresa Bowden, Bill Carner, David Horvath,
Erea Marshall, Mark Paul.
Layout: Bob Roehm. Web Design: Mark Paul
Deadline for publication is the 21st of each month.

© 1997-1998, The Owl.

Hits since 12-May-1998:
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The Owl, Copyright © 1997-1998, University of Louisville
Last Updated:
by Amy Purcell, Co-editor